Bovino’s Ducal Castle

Bovino’s Ducal Castle

A fortress dominating the Daunia Mountains

A place where time stops, where you can appreciate the delicious food and amazing experiences in the Daunia Mountains (province of Foggia): this is Bovino.

Surrounded by bucolic landscapes and woods, Bovino is one of the most beautiful villages in the hinterland of Puglia

Do you want to know more about this fairy-tale place? Scroll down and enjoy!

Bovino: the city with 800 portals


… paese che scherza col cielo,

o forse è una scala di qualche gigante,

bianca di calce e di pietre, che sale la cima di un colle.

…o forse una vecchia signora che sogna,

vestita di nebbia e di vento,

una danza sui tetti coperti di muschio,

sui sassi baciati dal tempo, che posa i suoi passi

accanto a portali di pietra.

…Bovino ha una torre e un castello,

e, dentro, c’è un pino antico e contorto

… o forse Bovino è il sogno di un pino che sogna un paese.

(Mario Bernardini)


… a village joking with the sky,

or maybe it’s a ladder of some giant,

white of lime and stones, which rises to the top of a hill.

…or maybe an old lady dreaming,

clothed in fog and wind,

a dance on the roofs covered with moss,

on the rocks kissed by time, which puts its steps

next to stone portals.

…Bovino has a tower and a castle,

and, inside, there is an ancient and twisted pine

… or maybe Bovino is the dream of a pine tree that dreams of a village.

(Mario Bernardini)

The history of Bovino has ancient roots: the first human traces were found in the Neolithic Era.

The Ancient Village (Borgo Antico) is a mosaic of rock houses full of emblems and portals (more or less 800 in this area), officially elected by ANCI as one of the Best Villages in Italy.

Down the centuries, a lot of populations dominated this land: for example the Roman Cathedral, dedicated to ST. Mary Assunta, symbolizes Roman domination in this area.

The Ducal Castle

The Ducal Castle of Bovino was an ancient manor built by the Romans where a lot of personalities lived.

In the XII century, indeed, Manfredi, the son of Fredrick II of Swabia, stayed in the castle during his journey before having a battle.

The palace does have a polygonal plant that takes place around a large internal courtyard.

In 1575 began the feudal era of the “Guevara”, Lords of Navarre (real close to the “Borbone” Lords) and the castle was the house of them until 1961.

During the permanence of the lords of Navarre, this place became the meeting place of illustrious personalities (including Torquato Tasso, Papa Benedetto XIII, etc).

Actually in the Ducal Castle can be found a charming B&B, Residenza Ducale, within which are proposed magical experiences in the area. 

Diocesan Museum

In Guevara’s Private Chapel there is the Diocesan Museum, established in 1999 by the Archbishop, to preserve the artistic heritage of the Diocese of Bovino.

The pieces of art that can be found in these noble halls go from the twelfth to the end of the nineteenth century.

Among all those beautiful pieces, it’s impossible not to mention the silver reliquary where a miraculous thorn of Jesus’ crown is stored: a must-see!

bovino from above daunia mountains puglia
Photo: Michele Grande

How to go:

From Foggia to Bovino:


  • 32 minutes crossing State Road SS16
  • 37 minutes crossing Provincial Road SP115 


  • 1 h and 10 minutes with TRENITALIA (timetables available on the official website)
  • 1 h and 25 minutes with COTRAP (timetables available on the official website)


  • 24 minutes with TRENITALIA (timetables available on the official website)


After taking this historical tour, would you like to discover some interesting tips about Bovino?

If you’re looking for the best guide to discover Bovino, click to contact Michele Grande!

Click to discover #5FunFacts about this wonderful village!


See you in Puglia!

Brindisi Lecce BARI Fasano Taranto Vieste Troia Foggia Conversano Castellana Grotte Monopoli Polignano a Mare BARI Mola di Bari Andria Gravina in Puglia Trani Barletta Fasano Alberobello Noci Locorotondo Cisternino Martina Franca Mottola Laterza Castellaneta Marina Taranto Vieste Peschici Rodi Garganico Monte Sant’Angelo Manfredonia San Giovanni Rotondo Lesina Margherita di Savoia Foggia Ostuni Ceglie Messapica Francavilla Fontana Brindisi Lecce Torre dell’Orso Porto Cesareo Otranto S. Cesarea Terme Gallipoli Ugento Santa Maria di Leuca Nardò Faeto Troia Bovino Sant’Agata di Puglia Lucera

Info Points nearby


Info point City Centre
Corso Vittorio Emanuele 1
Tel. +39 0881 966475

Bovino's Ducal Castle / Bovino/ Puglia
