Raiz Italiana

Raiz Italiana

Roots Tourism and social promotion.

The importance of Roots Tourism.

Raiz Italiana is an Italian Association based in Puglia. Developing the Roots Tourism, it is involved in social promotion.

Steadily, Marina, Attilio and Mariana work together building the bridge between the Italian descendants and their roots.

Besides, the Roots Tourism offers an alternative experience, because it permits the Italian descendants to see with their own eyes the Italian culture, which probably is much more close to their behaviors and tastes.

The Italian culture belongs to them.

The discovery of their ancestry, permits to feel them part of a bigger family composed by the people who have the same surname or certainly belong to the same genealogy.

  • Roots Tourism | Raiz Italiana guide tour.
  • Roots Tourism | Raiz Italiana guide tour.
  • Roots Tourism | Raiz Italiana guide tour.
  • Roots Tourism | Raiz Italiana guide tour.
  • Roots Tourism | Raiz Italiana ride on the Calessino, Ostuni.
  • Roots Tourism | Raiz Italiana trip on the train.
  • Roots Tourism | Raiz Italiana discovering the sea.
  • Roots Tourism | Raiz Italiana family dinner.

Concluding, if you’re an Italian descendant, Raiz Italiana Association plans your trip to come in Italy, helps you to reach the family’s historical house or moreover to obtain the Italian citizenship and much more.

Please, contact Raiz Italiana following the form below or visit their web site ⇒ www.raizitaliana.it

Otherwise, keep browsing through our Best Places in Puglia and find out the perfect place to spend your holiday in Puglia.

Raiz Italiana Association
