Published: January242018

What’s ImaginApulia

Imagine a new Puglia

In this first article of ImaginApulia’s blog, you’ll find out what is ImaginApulia, which is our story starting from the experience we lived abroad and why you should follow us if you’re planning a trip to Puglia.

So, let’s start!

Here are Daria and Roberto, crew chiefs of this vessel named ImaginApulia.

For those of you who are wondering: what is ImaginApulia? You must know that this first page of our logbook is just about that, answering all (almost) the questions you may have on us and our project.

When was the idea born and who are we?

Daria is a Visual Designer and Content Strategist; Roberto is a Video Maker and Photographer, a real creative!

We are Apulians with a past in art and culture, and an incredible experience abroad in our hearts, that has written our future in Puglia.
In 2015 we landed, as European Volunteers, in the frozen country of Finland.

We have been one year in a small, rural, but very typical town called Kärsämäki, around 200 km far from the polar circle. There, in a place where there are more trees than people, where nature is still the whisper of souls, there, we have understood a lot.

After that, we moved to a bigger city in southern Finland, Turku. Even if we loved Turku, for the first time, we started thinking about coming back to Italy.

We suddenly started to be aware of our origins, our native land, and all we left. Living in our little 35square meters flat, we were every day more and more melancholic, and we also started thinking about how to direct all those feelings to an idea, a simple idea that was growing up in our minds.

Living abroad could be hard, but it gives you a lot of different emotions and rewarding experiences. The most difficult proof we faced was coming back to Italy, and we had in mind that idea which needed to be perfectly designed.

You know life is full of surprises and one day, a normal boring day, like any other, we found the answer to our question: how to realize our idea and finally come back to Italy?

The story continues with lots of studies, bureaucracy, and waitings, despite everything ImaginApulia was born on the 25th of September 2017.

What’s ImaginApulia?

ImaginApulia is an innovative container, a visual archive, a different way to live our land, Puglia Region, seeing it through the people that work in here and give to it all their passion.

Being addressed to all the tourist facilities ImaginApulia is a web portal that aims to promoting the territory, breaking down the communication barriers, and supporting self-made holiday planning.

ImaginApulia is a community of people who like to be part of a magnificent experience that is Puglia, enjoying all the great authentic Apulian excellences.

Why ImaginApulia?

Visual communication is the present, and it’ll be more and more immersive: people prefer to watch a video than read a long information text.

We believe in the power of images and imagination.

So, ImaginApulia slices off the standardization of a usual Online Travel Agency and shows you the peculiarity and authenticity of any tourist operators by video and pics.

Just two minutes of your time to look at a hotel or a restaurant to instantly understand if it’s the perfect place for your holidays.

What can you do with ImaginApulia?

ImaginApulia helps you to make your itinerary built on your needs and by yourself.

That’s why ImaginApulia makes easier your Apulian trip.

In the end, on this blog, you’ll find out some tips to hang around Puglia, to visit places that are not into the guides, or how and where to eat Apulian delicatessen.

If you are looking for living the emotions of Puglia by its traditions, unicity, landscapes, cities, culture, and experiences, get on board.

Sign up, sign your faves, start your connections, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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If you’d like to know more about us and how ImaginApulia was born: read our story here.

Thank you!

With much love and passion.

ImaginApulia’s team.
